Family Lawyer Toronto
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Comprehensive Paralegal Services

Paralegals are an integral part of the legal system. They are professionally educated and licensed by the Law Society of Ontario to serve the public and provide access to justice. They are licensed to independently represent people in small claims court, traffic court, some criminal matters, and before tribunals.

Our in-house paralegals provide guidance and representation in a variety of legal matters including:

  • Condominium Authority Tribunal matters
  • Landlord and Tenant Board disputes
  • Small Claims court cases
  • Notary Services

We understand the intricacies of these legal areas. We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality legal services.

Navigating the Condo Authority Tribunal (CAT) or the Landlord Tenant Board (LTB) can be complex and time-consuming. Whether you’re a condo owner, board member, property manager, landlord, or tenant, understanding your rights and obligations is crucial. Our experienced paralegals can provide you with the support and representation you need to achieve a successful outcome.

Similarly, our team is happy to provide representation at the Small Claims court. Our Small Claims court experience lies primarily in employment matters and in debt recovery; however, should you require assistance in any area, we encourage you to fill out our intake form so that we may better assess your needs.

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